miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


Since 1980 we have paid great attention to special education in developed countries. In this decade brought about a radical change in professional and public attitudes towards the special needs that marked the beginning of a great movement towards integration of people with special educational needs within mainstream schools. Parents have been actively involved in the evaluation and review of the educational needs of their children and increasingly show more interest in their choice (limited to certain conditions) to have their children educated in mainstream schools. The expansion of social and health services has contributed to better assess the special educational needs to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student to ensure the most appropriate education within a wide range of special educational needs. In practice, good intentions do not always result in satisfactory achievement. In any case, it should be noted that this process of change in most European countries and the world in general has contributed to the affected families and schools to sue government laws and learning methods that guarantee the right to greater integration in schools and training centers for people with special needs.

Education, theories, methods, system management and situation of the schools from antiquity to the present throughout the world.

The concept 'education' denotes the methods by which a society maintains its knowledge, culture and values ​​and affects the physical, mental, emotional, social and moral person. The educational work is developed by individual teachers, family, church or any other social group. Formal education is what is usually taught in a school or institution that uses men and women who are professionally trained for this task.

Education systems oldest known had two common characteristics; taught religion and the traditions are kept. In ancient Egypt, the temple schools taught not only religion but also the principles of writing, science, mathematics and architecture. Similarly, in India the bulk of education was in the hands of priests. India was the source of Buddhism, a doctrine that is taught in their institutions to the Chinese school, and extended by the countries of the Far East. Education in ancient China focused on philosophy, poetry and religion, according to the teachings of Confucius, Lao-Tzu and other philosophers. The Chinese system of civilian review, initiated in that country over 2,000 years ago, has remained until this century, then, in theory, allows the selection of the best students for important positions in government.
Physical training methods that prevailed in Persia and were highly praised by several Greek writers, went on to become the model of the education systems of ancient Greece, which valued both gymnastics and mathematics and music.
The Bible and the Talmud are the basic sources of education among the ancient Jews. Thus, the Talmud encouraged Jewish parents to teach their children specific professional skills, swimming and a foreign language. Today, religion still feel the educational foundations in the home, synagogue and school. The Torah is still the basis of Jewish education.


Communication is an act by which an individual (human, animal or object) provides one or more other contactthat allows you to transmit specific information.

Communication becomes the action or effect to communicate or communicating. Treatment between two ormore people. Signal transmission by a common code to the sender and receiver, as pointing to the Dictionaryof the Royal Academy.

The realization of a communicative act can respond to different purposes:

a. Transmission of information.

b. Attempt to influence others.

c. Expression of the states or thoughts.

d. Performing acts.

  Elements involved in a process of communication are:

a. Issuer .- Subject to the single act of communication.

b. References .- The extra-linguistic reality referred to by the communication message.

c. Code .- Set of signs, interrelated, and rules of construction, provision of sender and receiver.

d. Results .- message encoding, the information carrier or set of information transmitted.

e. Canal .- Physical environment through which circulates the message.

f. Receiver .- Subject to decode and receive the message.

g. Context .- A set of factors and circumstances that allowed the message to be known to both the sender and the receiver. We can distinguish different types of context:

Situational context .- spatial and temporal circumstances in which the communicative act occurs.

Social and historical context .- Knowledge of the time when the messages occur.

Linguistic context .- I said before or after a sentence can influence its interpretation.

h. Noise Disturbances .- unforeseen and unpredictable that destroy or alter information. The noise appears in almost all communication processes.

i. Unnecessary redundancy .- Elements displayed in a message and they serve, inter alia, to combat noise. The redundancies can be of two types:

Dependent duplication of the code itself.

Redundancies that depend on the willingness of the issuer.

We may find two types of communication processes:

a. Act .- way communication in which a transmitter emits a message that the listener perceives.

b. Act .- bilateral communication in which a transmitter emits a message received by the receiver and then the receiver becomes a transmitter of a new post that will get the old transmitter.


1 The language

The language (any language such as Spanish) is, as we have seen, a system of signs that speakers learn and retain in his memory. This is a code known each speaker-listener, for use when needed. This code, known and respected by all who speak a language, you can encrypt and decrypt messages.

According to the dictionary of the Real Academia de la Lengua Spanish language notes that the term means a system of verbal and written almost always proper to a human community.

Is a form of specific language forms. Its nature is essentially oral, no clutch to perpetuated by the writing becomes language media for picture and marginalization for the illiterate.

Also, the language enables communication between members of a linguistic community which allows or may not coincide with political boundaries and geographical of the State.

. 2 Language
Language is the ability that everyone has to communicate with others through oral signs (and, if their cultural development permits, also written). It is therefore a human right, whether in speech, use one language or another (English, Spanish, Chinese ...).
Do not say, then, "Spanish language", "English language", etc. The term language should be used only in the precise sense we have defined.
The language is the set of means enabling the man to express his thoughts, feelings and experiences. Also defined as the set of communication systems consisting of various forms: drawings, gestures, sounds, movements, cultural processes (myths, legends, art, monuments, etc.). Some authors reduce it to the biological function of the relationship, and therefore speak the language of animals (bees, ants, dolphins), and even, some people believe that culture is a language, because in each of its branches and demonstrations with a message, ie, a meaning.
For its part, the dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spanish Language says that language becomes the set of articulated sounds which man expresses what he thinks or feels. Style and manner of speaking and writing of each individual. Use speech or ability to speak. Set of signals that suggest something
Language is a social institution, it can only exist in society, as a tool of human communication. Like other social institutions such as family, language can be very broad, even universal, but varies from one community to another, each of which manifests itself differently. In addition, the pressure is constantly changing and diverse needs of other communities also.
The language has different manifestations in different communities that exist on Earth, each of these manifestations is called language or language. Languages ​​or languages ​​are, therefore, Spanish, English, Chinese, etc. In Spain there are four languages ​​or languages: Castilian (which, being the official language common to the whole nation, is also called Spanish), Catalan, Galician, Galician and Basque, or Euskera, which are official in their respective territories.
This definition of language that corresponds to the meaning ordinarily given.

The language is characterized by:

    1. It is a voluntary behavior unlike reflexes or instinctive acts such as yawning, sneezing, laugh, mourn, coughing, etc.
    2. Is a set of acquired habits are formed early in life, hence children learn their own language and acquired more easily than adults.
    3. It is arbitrary because no relation of correspondence with the reality it denotes.
    4. Language is a convention that is arbitrary but beyond, people agree to use it in certain ways and under this or that direction.
    5. It is a tradition, a social institution formed through the common life of a great number of people.
    6. The language is conservative and resists change but a change and faster than plants and animals.
    7. It is oral and is made up of distinctive sounds called phonemes.
    8. It is linear because its units are developed in succession to form a speech stream.

       Inventory consists of more or less small and limited phonemes (there are 24 phonemes) that can be combined to obtain an infinite number of messages.

    1. The language is systematic and asymmetrical, regular and irregular. Its few constituents appear in regular and systematic structures.
    2. The language is learned not innate is not inherited is acquired as a result of social life in general.
    3. The double articulation is the fundamental nature because:
       The first joint is made ​​up of units that have significant or acoustic image and meaning that is the idea, concept or content
       The second joint is made ​​up of linguistic units that only have meaningful and meaningless example: ar - ball itself does not mean anything.