lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


We have talk about Early Stimulation and Intelligent Stimulus for Baby in our previous article. Today we will talk about the early stimulation to your toddler. Remember that you can do this anytime and anywhere. You can do this while taking a bath, change a diaper, feeding, drinking their milk, hold them tight, take a walk, watching television, on the wheel, or before sleep.
For the 12-18 months old toddler, you can try to do this by drawing, strike-streak, arrange the cubes, play simple puzzle, play the doll, walking, walking up and down the stairs, put down their own pants, understand and doing some simple order, mention and selecting objects.
For the 18-24 months old toddler, you can teach them to mention and appoint the name of body’s part, name of animals, an object around the house, talk about their daily activities (eating, drinking, take a bath, playing etc), playing the ball, jumping, and use their clothes, washing their hands. 

Early Stimulation and Intelligent Stimulus for Baby



You can do the early stimulation to your infant, baby or toddler while taking a bath, change a diaper, feeding, drinking their milk, hold them tight, take a walk, watching television, on the wheel, or before sleep.
You can also hide various voice or music alternately, hanging and moving the light color thing (circle or black and white boxes), ring object on the baby 0-3 months old.
Then, you can also play hide and seek to your 3-6 months old baby. You can also call their name, shake their hands, and applause, reading tale, stimulate to sit, and start teaching them to stand up and hold on for your 6-9 months old baby.
For 9-12 months old baby, you can stimulate them by repeating the name of family member, put their toys into the box, drinking with use glass, roll the ball, teach to stand up and walking with hold on. 

Autistic Children, the Visual Thinkers


Autistic children, the visual thinkers – Most autistic children are visual thinkers. As visual thinkers, autistic children can often fixate on a particular object or picture. If this is the case, try incorporating that object or picture into lesson plans. If the child likes planes, try using planes for visuals wherever you can in the lesson.
For example, when teaching math, create word problems about planes to interest the child. Autistic children also tend to be artistic or musical, producing highly original drawings and showing above average abilities with instruments or voice. Set aside time in the day for the arts and encourage activities that the children enjoy. Well, what do you think?

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