miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


Communication is an act by which an individual (human, animal or object) provides one or more other contactthat allows you to transmit specific information.

Communication becomes the action or effect to communicate or communicating. Treatment between two ormore people. Signal transmission by a common code to the sender and receiver, as pointing to the Dictionaryof the Royal Academy.

The realization of a communicative act can respond to different purposes:

a. Transmission of information.

b. Attempt to influence others.

c. Expression of the states or thoughts.

d. Performing acts.

  Elements involved in a process of communication are:

a. Issuer .- Subject to the single act of communication.

b. References .- The extra-linguistic reality referred to by the communication message.

c. Code .- Set of signs, interrelated, and rules of construction, provision of sender and receiver.

d. Results .- message encoding, the information carrier or set of information transmitted.

e. Canal .- Physical environment through which circulates the message.

f. Receiver .- Subject to decode and receive the message.

g. Context .- A set of factors and circumstances that allowed the message to be known to both the sender and the receiver. We can distinguish different types of context:

Situational context .- spatial and temporal circumstances in which the communicative act occurs.

Social and historical context .- Knowledge of the time when the messages occur.

Linguistic context .- I said before or after a sentence can influence its interpretation.

h. Noise Disturbances .- unforeseen and unpredictable that destroy or alter information. The noise appears in almost all communication processes.

i. Unnecessary redundancy .- Elements displayed in a message and they serve, inter alia, to combat noise. The redundancies can be of two types:

Dependent duplication of the code itself.

Redundancies that depend on the willingness of the issuer.

We may find two types of communication processes:

a. Act .- way communication in which a transmitter emits a message that the listener perceives.

b. Act .- bilateral communication in which a transmitter emits a message received by the receiver and then the receiver becomes a transmitter of a new post that will get the old transmitter.

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