As future teachers must know about the tools that will help us develop the teaching-Apprenticeship.
One of them is the flip chart is very useful because we can develop any content in the classroom.
The flip chart can be created by us and is economical and easy to use; we can use different types of paper and color any content.
One of them is the flip chart is very useful because we can develop any content in the classroom.
The flip chart can be created by us and is economical and easy to use; we can use different types of paper and color any content.
A flip chart is a stationery item resembling a whiteboard, typically supported on a tripod or four-legged easel. A pad of paper sheets is typically fixed to the upper edge. Such charts are commonly used for presentations.
Although most commonly supported on a tripod, flip charts come in various forms. Some of these are:
- Stand-alone flip chart: resembles a big isosceles triangle box that usually sits on a table. Imagine a book that you would open at 270° angle and then lay on a table. The paper is flipped from one side of the top of the triangle box to the other.
- Metallic tripod (or easel) stand: usually have 3 or 4 metallic legs that are linked together at one extremity. A support board is attached to two of these legs to support the large paper pad. This is the most common type of flip chart stand.
- Metallic mount on wheels: usually has a flat base to support the paper pad and is mounted on one or two legs that then have a set of wheels. The advantage of these more recent forms of stands is that it is easier to transport the flip chart from one location to another.
The flip chart is a tool which should always be a teacher for content development.
Demonstrate the different ways to use and materials that can work with this super tool
Demonstrate the different ways to use and materials that can work with this super tool
Make a different class, illustrated and that the teacher can carry.
Seasons are pretty content to teach through flip chart and that each sheet can put a parking lot differently.
Seasons are pretty content to teach through flip chart and that each sheet can put a parking lot differently.
ü 10 sheets Of. bond paper
ü Marker
ü Colors
ü Poster paint
ü Wood screw
ü Glue
Autumn leaves, summer rains, melting into rivers, flocks of birds flying over our heads. Our world is defined as much by changes things never change. In fact, the Earth, which is always the same, might be called the Planet of the changing seasons.
The seasons are the periods of the year in which the weather conditions continue, in a certain region within a certain range. These periods last about three months and are called spring, summer, autumn and winter, although in areas of land close to
The cause is the obliquity of the ecliptic | inclination of the axis of rotation of the globe. This axis is always oriented in the same direction (except the phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes | precession) and both northern and southern hemispheres are unevenly lit by the sun. Every six months the situation is reversed.
Annual motion
In fact the plane of the ecliptic where the sun apparently moves at an angle of 23 ° 26 'with the plane of Ecuador Therefore this star can only be at the zenith of an equatorial observer as it passes through the intersection of both planes, line of the equinoxes, which occur on 20 or March 21 when the sun passes north of the southern hemisphere, and 22 or September 23 as it passes from north to south. Between those two moments, the day 20 to 21 June the Sun reaches in the northern hemisphere its maximum declination (angular distance Ecuador ) what happens to the Southern Hemisphere on 21 or 22 December.
The day the sun crosses the Ecuador, the movement of Earth's rotation makes it apparent equatorial describe a path, 12h being above the horizon and 12 below, at any latitude. If March and thereafter the Sun culminates in the highest places in the Northern Hemisphere and increasingly under the H. South. The days are lengthening and shortening in the North and South. As if that were not enough sunlight are more and more perpendicular in the North and flusher in the South. The consequence of this process is a warm spring in the North and south autumnal cooling, which continues until 22 June. On this date the Sun passes the summer solstice in the North starts this season in the South, winter begins.
The sun that day in the Northern Hemisphere reached its maximum height above the horizon at noon reached the zenith at the Tropic of Cancer, i.e. the parallel 23 ° 27'N. All regions at higher latitudes than 66 ° 33'N (corresponding to the Arctic Circle) are permanently sunlight In the rest of the hemisphere, the days are longer and the nights shorter. In the southern hemisphere on the contrary the situation is quite the contrary, it is winter, short days and long nights in the Antarctic Polar Circle is permanent night.
From that date, solar declination and therefore reduces the sun culminates increasingly lower on the north and higher on the South. 22, September 23 the sun is back inEcuador and the days and nights during the same in both hemispheres. Temperatures in the North have been going down and up in the South. By the December 21 enters the northern hemisphere winter and summer in the southern producing the opposite situation to that of 21 June. Finally you get to March 21 where the cycle begins anew each year. This cycle has certain inherent irregularities within the Earth's orbit is an ellipse with the Sun occupying one focus.
From that date, solar declination and therefore reduces the sun culminates increasingly lower on the north and higher on the South. 22, September 23 the sun is back in
Spring is one of the four seasons of temperate zones, the transition between winter and summer. The term "spring" comes from premium (first) and edge (green).
astronomically, it begins with the vernal equinox (between 20 and 21 March in the northern hemisphere, and between 22 and 23 September in the southern hemisphere) and ends with the summer solstice (around June 21 in the northern hemisphere and 21 December in the southern hemisphere). However, it is sometimes regarded as the whole months of March, April and May in the Northern Hemisphere and September, October, November in the southern hemisphere.
Summer is one of the four seasons of temperate zones. As noted, the summer can be lights in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern in the Southern Hemisphere.
Astronomically, it begins with the summer solstice (around 21 December, the austral and the boreal June 21), and ends with the fall equinox (around March 21 and the southern boreal September 21). However, it is sometimes regarded as the whole months of December, January and February in the Southern Hemisphere and June, July and August in the northern hemisphere. Summer is characterized by having longer days and less sunlight angle, so that temperatures are the highest in the year. In American intertropical zones, the term is often used as synonymous with summer dry season, i.e. it has no connotation thermal and presented at the time of low sun and less elevated temperatures, but rainfall, with amounts rainfall is generally lower than in the rest of the year.

Fall is one of the seasons. Astronomically, it begins with the autumnal equinox on 21 March in the southern hemisphere and between 22 and 23 September in the northern hemisphere) and ends with the winter solstice (around June 21 in the southern hemisphere on 21 December in the northern hemisphere). However, it is sometimes regarded as the whole months of March, April and May in the Southern Hemisphere and September, October and November in the northern hemisphere. It is characterized by the shortening of days and that will last for 89 days and 20 hours, has entered the northern hemisphere at 11:51 (GMT), coinciding with the maximum brightness of the planet Venus this year, according to the Observatory National Astronomical. In both hemispheres, autumn is the harvest season, for example, corn and sunflower. In literature the fall, figuratively, represents old age. During the fall, the leaves of deciduous trees change color and become yellowish green and brown, until they dry and fall helped by the wind blowing harder. From this station the temperature starts to be a little cold.
A flash of light tears the night sky. Lightning is the visible radiation produced by an electrical discharge between a rain cloud and ground or between clouds.
Astronomically, it begins with the winter solstice around June 21 in the southern hemisphere and 21 December in the northern hemisphere, complete with the spring equinox, around September 21 in the southern hemisphere and 21 March in Northern Hemisphere (although dates vary by year.) The fact that the Earth's orbit is elliptical, resulting in a shorter duration in the northern hemisphere and more on this in the Southern Hemisphere in July and aphelion occurs during the austral winter, and in January the perihelion during the northern hemisphere. In short, the winter lasts about 4 days in the southern hemisphere about the lights. Meteorologically, however, winter is often considered the whole months of June, July and August in the Southern Hemisphere and December, January and February in the northern hemisphere.
European culture has traditionally identification the last days of December and January, February and March as winter. But to say that "January is winter," requires a qualification, taking the hemisphere where we are, as in the southern hemisphere's summer.
Mythological explanations of the winter
In Greek mythology, Hades, god of the underworld, kidnapped Persephone to be his bride. Zeus ordered Hades to return it and deliver it to deliver it to Demeter, goddess of the earth and mother. However, Hades tricks Persephone and makes him eat the food of the dead, so Zeus ordered him to Persephone to spend six months with Demeter and six months with Hades. During the time that his daughter is with Hades, Demeter grieves and causes the fall and winter.
In Greek mythology, Hades, god of the underworld, kidnapped Persephone to be his bride. Zeus ordered Hades to return it and deliver it to deliver it to Demeter, goddess of the earth and mother. However, Hades tricks Persephone and makes him eat the food of the dead, so Zeus ordered him to Persephone to spend six months with Demeter and six months with Hades. During the time that his daughter is with Hades, Demeter grieves and causes the fall and winter.
The climate is the succession of different kinds of time that are repeated in a particular place in the earth's surface. To study the climate of a place is required observation over a long period of time: at least 30 continuous years! Following are averages.
As you know, the sun's rays warm the earth's surface in different ways. Depending on this, there are different types of weather on our planet, which can be grouped into three climatic zones in relation to temperature
As you know, the sun's rays warm the earth's surface in different ways. Depending on this, there are different types of weather on our planet, which can be grouped into three climatic zones in relation to temperature
The hot zone corresponds to the regions closest to Ecuador or, what is it, in the tropics. The sun's rays arrive with intensity as they fall perpendicular or very little slope, so the temperature is very high throughout the year. In addition, it rains a lot, and the humidity is very high.
The cold zone is within the polar circles. The sun's rays become very steep and not very intense.
The temperate zone is delimited by the tropics and polar circles. The sun's rays very hot during the summer and little in winter. So the seasons are very marked.
The temperate zone is delimited by the tropics and polar circles. The sun's rays very hot during the summer and little in winter. So the seasons are very marked.
The study of clouds is very important for weather forecasting. The clouds that included in its name the word 'halo' are rain clouds and dark gray. There are clouds without rain, but no rain no clouds. Did you know?
The study of clouds is very important for weather forecasting. The clouds that included in its name the word 'halo' are rain clouds and dark gray. There are clouds without rain, but no rain no clouds. Did you know?
The number of clouds in the sky and therefore the number of rainy days varies greatly from one region of the Earth to another. In some equatorial areas can rain 300 days a year, while in the desert almost no rain.
You know you can produce artificial rain? Awarded firing silver iodine crystals into the clouds: the cloud water freezes around the crystals and falls as rain or snow.
You know you can produce artificial rain? Awarded firing silver iodine crystals into the clouds: the cloud water freezes around the crystals and falls as rain or snow.
It's raining! You think it's the first time this waterfalls? No. Water is a process called the water cycle. In this cycle, clouds play an important role:
1. The sun heats the water of the seas, lakes and rivers.
2. Some water evaporates and so the air is loaded with water vapor.
3. As this air rises, it cools until it reaches the dew point temperature, then water vapor condenses and becomes liquid water (water droplets) or solid water (ice crystals), forming a cloud.4. If the water droplets come together, forming larger droplets that can fall as rain, snow or hail.
In this way the water returns to rivers, lakes and seas. And the cycle begins again.
This project is a visual aid that is useful for teachers and students in the development of the class.
Teachers can also create it easily. In the development of the class that the teacher must be prepared and helpers of this aid is accessible and so develop the class in a more interesting and enable students to pay attention.
Flip charts are used in many different settings such as:
- in any type of presentation where the papers pads are pre-filled with information on a given topic
- for capturing information in meetings and brainstorming sessions
- in classrooms and teaching institutions of any kind
- to record relevant information in manufacturing plants
- a creative drawing board for Art students
- a palette for artists in “life-drawing” classes
- for strategy coaching for sports teams
- for teaching
The flip chart is visual aids very important for the teaching of contents and does easy the process apprenticeship- teaching. We can use of different manners.
This flip chart is economic, and we can use many times with different materials.
The seasons can be a very nice pair content to teach and the flip chart helps us to do it more enlightened and practice.
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